The present study aims to investigate the role of abandonment schema in the relationship between attachment styles and couple satisfaction. The design of the research is descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational. A total of 120 people participated, aged between 19 and 55 years, M = 25.67, AS = 8.95, 23 men and 97 women. Only people involved in a romantic relationship of at least six months participated. Data measurement was carried out using the questionnaire, made out of the Abandonment subscale of The Cognitive Style Questionnaire YSQ-S3, the Couple Satisfaction Index and the Attachment Style Questionnaire Short Form. The statistical results revealed the first hypothesis to be partially true, showing that secure attachment is positively associated with couple satisfaction. Regarding the second hypothesis, it was found to be partially true as well, as abandonment schema only mediates the relationships between anxious attachment and couple satisfaction and between dependent attachment and couple satisfaction. The results of the study are consistent with other research in the scientific literature and contribute to the completion of knowledge on the subject under investigation. Thus, it is proposed more future research on the subject in question
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