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Policies and trends in the field of psychological and educational research
Published: 2012-05-06

The Problematic fields, the scientific and applicative topics in special education in compliance with national and European policies and strategies regarding disabilities (I)

University of Bucharest

Verginia Crețu

University of Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Nonnalization Integration Inclusive school Positive attitudes towards inclusion Special educational needs Response to intervention Curriculum Adaptation Universal Curriculum Design Anti-Bias Curriculum Affective curriculum Integrated Curriculum The Pyramid Approach to Special Education


Research on special education give new response to the issue of disability from perspective often tenned the "human rights based approach". In the next study our purpose is to identify the new research directions, the problematic fields, scientific and applied themes concordant to national and European strategies and policies. That article is based on the analysis of important journals according to inclusion strategies; new themes included in traditional journals, contents of some books, projects financed by EU, review edited by important organizations / institutions. The article identifies topics were related to: educational policies, organizational culture and ethos that promotes inclusion; researches on teachers' attitude towards the persons with disabilities and inclusion; studies on the training of the teachers regarding the educational inclusion; special educational needs; trends in Curriculum Design.


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How to Cite

Crețu, V. (2012). The Problematic fields, the scientific and applicative topics in special education in compliance with national and European policies and strategies regarding disabilities (I). Studia Doctoralia, 1(1-2), 26–40.