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Published: 2015-07-16

Agresivitatea, trăsăturile accentuate de personalitate, depresia și locul controlului la deținuții cu abuz de substanțe.

Universitatea de Vest
prisoners alcohol abuse drug abuse aggression personality traits locus of control


The purpose of this research is to highlight and analyze the psychological and judicial characteristics of inmates with substance abuse. The prisoners were divided into three groups: inmates with alcohol abuse (n= 30), inmates with drug abuse (n= 30) and inmates without substance abuse (n= 30). They were also divided into two categories: inmates convicted for offenses with violence against persons (n= 48) and inmates convicted for non-violent offenses (n= 42). They completed a structured interview for diagnosing the major depressive episode and a series of psychometric tests for assessing aggression, personality traits, and locus of control. No significant differences between inmates with substance abuse and those without abuse in terms of aggression, nor between those convicted for crimes with violence against the person and those without violence against the person. It was found that there is a positive significant relationship between aggression and feature "Unrestrained" and between Locus of Control and the feature "Unrestrained". Finally, it has been found that there are differences between prisoners without depression regarding the type of offense, namely: prisoners with alcohol and without depression are prone to commit crimes with violence against persons and those with drug abuse, crimes without violence against persons.


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How to Cite

Okros, N. I. (2015). Agresivitatea, trăsăturile accentuate de personalitate, depresia și locul controlului la deținuții cu abuz de substanțe. Studia Doctoralia, 6(1-2), 36–54.